Congratulation Program | SEE Batch 2080

Nawa Jyoti English School Inaruwa-3, Sunsari arranged a program under the chairmanship of Dr. Khurshid Alam Founder/ Principal of the school on 4th of July 2024 to congratulate the SEE passed students of 2080 BS. The chief guest was Mr. Moulana Muhammad Harun Khan Mazhari President Hidayat Educational & Welfare Trust Nepal and Director, Darul Uloom Hidayatul Islam and Jamia Khansa Lil Banat.

The other important guests were Mr. Haji Muhammad Suleman , Mr. Moulana Firoz Alam Falahi & Alig Director, Jamia Khansa Lil Banat, Mr. Moulana Nasim Akhtar Nadwi, Moulana Khalid Saifullah Islahi, Moulana Zubair Alam Islahi, Director Madrasatul Uloom Al Islamiya , Mrs. Farzana Tarannum Principal, Jamia Khansa Lil Banat and Mr. Haji Muhammad Azam saheb.

Apart from them SEE passed students and their parents/guardians were also present in this program. This program was started with the recitation of Holy Quraan by Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Ibrahim a student of class -8th. A Naat was presented by Miss. Dua Khurshid of class 9th.  Mr. Ashfaq Alam Ansari a founder and Director Public Relations presented a welcome speech and then the school principal presented the result of SEE Exam and informed that Nawa Jyoti English Inaruwa received the 100% result in 2080. All students got excellent and wonderful marks and GPA. Among them 4 students succeeded to receive “A+” and rest of them “A” Alhamdulaillh.

The graduates of SEE 2080 presented their feelings and then their Guardians shared their fillings of happiness and words of thanks to School teachers and management. Some of them were Mr. Moulana Farid Alam Islahi from Jamuwa koshi-4 and Mr. Zubair Alam Islahi from Bhokraha Narsingh-5. Then the school has presented the Appreciation Certificates and a cash amount to these students by the hand of our respected Guests.

After the distribution of certificate of appreciation Guests of the day Mr. Moulana Khalid Saifullah Islahi, Mr. Moulana Nasim Akhtar Nadwi, Moulana Harun Khan Mazhari, Moulana Firoz Alam Falahi addressing the audience provided them good guidelines , career counseling and valuable message to our students for their future. The English teacher Mr. Ram Bilas Shah, Science & Maths teacher Mr. Ashok Kumar Choudhry and In-charge of Urdu / Islamiyat Mr. Syed Noorullah Nadwi also shared their feelings.

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At last the school Founder/ Principal Dr. Khurshid Alam presented vote of thanks to the Guests and called these students to be a good ambassador and spokesman of this school. He focused to keep remember what the moralities school taught to them as we have to be a good human and have the good attitudes what actually Islam teaches.

The principal of this school directed that students must be sincere and dedicate to their study, respect to their teachers and elders and adopt the good behavior and attitudes. This can take the students ahead and make their future bright.   At last Moulana Harun Khan Mazhari concluded the program performing the Du’a.

May Allah give him/her all the success here and hereafter and bright future ahead.  Aamen.

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